
Based on the project "Seriøsitet i Byggenæringen", the Building Industry Association (BNL)
established a joint supplier register for the construction industry, called StartBANK

This registry is used by purchasers in construction, management, research and real estate in Norway, in support of serious suppliers and with updated and controlled supplier information. With 5000 suppliers evaluated on the basis of predetermined approval criteria, StartBANK is a fair, open and safe solution for selecting trusted suppliers.

This gives vendors the opportunity to compete on equal terms and contributes to the use of serious players and create new business opportunities for both buyers and suppliers.

The Supplier Register has taken place in cooperation with public authorities and the purpose of the supplier register is to help the players in the construction industry compete on equal terms. Gråkallen is registered in StartBANK. “It was a natural thing to do, says CEO Lars Ove Jakobsen.